July 11, 2024

Refreshed records

We have updated the material, accession, and taxon record pages to enhance usability. These pages now feature a reorganized layout for improved clarity, grouping related data more intuitively. Each section includes relevant actions, making it easier to make changes.

As you navigate your collection, you will find records are now consistently displayed, with refined navigation that provides context for each page.

Hierarchy menu

A new hierarchy menu at the top of each record offers quick navigation between associated records, helping provide an intuitive understanding of their relationships.

July 2, 2024

Creator and Last Editor filters

Finding staff contributions is now easier with our new "Creator" and "Last Editor" filters. These filters enable you to quickly locate records based on who added or last modified them. Whether you’re collaborating with a large team or tracking changes for audit purposes, you now have a clear overview of your collection’s history and contributions. Simply tap "View" to customise your table to show and hide these new columns.

June 10, 2024

Public sites

Increase your collection’s reach and impact by sharing your collection online. We’ve created a new user-friendly app for the public. Visitors can explore a site’s collection by browsing taxa or locating plants on the garden’s map. Gardens can also share their website and contact email for visitors to learn more or get in touch. Records are private by default but can be made public with new batch actions, giving users full control over what they share.

A demo of public sites can be seen here, with further support documentation available here.

New Public-Facing App

Map Page:

  • View and search plants on the site’s map. Access individual plant details, including a photo, introduction year, location, taxon info and related plants.

Browse Page:

  • Search and view the site’s taxa. Access detailed taxon information, including descriptions (Wikipedia/custom), climate, distribution, IUCN Red List status, family, and associated plants.

Site Details:

  • View site information, including description, location, website, and contact email.

Hortis In-App Management

Public Site Settings:

  • Configure site details through a new settings page.
  • View public plants with links to both in-app record and public record.

Public Plants Table:

  • Perform batch actions to make plants public or private.
  • Filter plants by their public status.

Material Pages:

  • Toggle plants between public and private.


  • Fixed an issue where the position material confirm button was hidden on mobile.
May 16, 2024

New batch actions!

Three new batch actions for materials have landed, allowing you to quickly make changes to multiple materials at once. Remember you can access the actions menu at any time by selecting a record.

  • Make observations: Update the observation date and condition
  • Change statuses: Including making materials absent with the date removed
  • Change locations: Move multiple materials to a different location


  • Fixed an issue where tables with life form columns visible failed to load
  • Fixed an issue where a photo’s date captured could not be saved
April 25, 2024

Actions menu

To help you manage your data with more ease, we have introduced an action menu. After selecting records, you can now perform the following via the actions menu:

  • Trash selected records
  • Download selected records
  • Add tags to selected records
  • Remove tags from selected records

The actions menu can be opened via the button on desktop and mobile, or using the displayed keyboard shortcut.


  • Download selected records is now available for users
  • Fixed an issue where the observation date could not be set as today
February 20, 2024

Batch delete and Expand Photos

Batch delete

  • Users are now able to batch delete selected Taxa records from the organisation’s taxa list
  • Users are now able to batch delete selected Accessions and Plant Material records from the collection site list
  • This paves the way for further batch actions requested by the community

Expand photos

  • Open up a larger photo by clicking thumbnail photos throughout the app
  • Navigate between related photos from the expanded photo
  • Mark as featured, edit and delete photos from the expanded photo


  • Donor/Supplier field is now included within the Plant materials CSV export
February 14, 2024

Shared taxonomic data

Are you a conservation enthusiast or just curious about the impact of your collection? With this release, new factual data is now available for your taxa – without the need for any action!

  • View and filter IUCN Red List status, life forms, native distribution and climate in data tables for all record types
  • New derived data section on taxa pages displaying additional fields, including link to IUCN Red List evaluation
  • New IUCN Red List donut to dashboard showing breakdown of statuses in the collection site
  • Native distribution is now derived from metadata and can be overridden using existing interpretation field
  • New taxa columns are now available when downloading record CSVs
  • For more details on how IUCN assessments were handled using Plants of the World Online as the backbone, see here


  • Renamed “natural distribution” field to “native distribution” on taxon pages
  • Fixed an issue where tags were being hidden in settings pages
  • Fixed taxon authorship filter returning unexpected records
  • Filterable columns can now be narrowed down with search
  • Taxon authorship is now available when downloading accession and plant material CSVs
January 12, 2024

Date filtering

Looking for more flexibility when filtering the dates in your collection? Now you can filter plant materials by their Last observed, Date added and Date removed fields. You can also filter accessions by their Accession date and Deaccession date. This update allows records to be filtered using a single date or across a date range – simply choose from the preset dates provided or apply your own custom values via the calendar.


  • Fixed an issue where filtering out tags hid records without tags
January 12, 2024

Enhanced feedback on desktop

Your feedback is the fertiliser for our work, and is crucial in helping us improve. Now it's easier than ever to share your thoughts directly within Hortis. Simply click on "Feedback" to rate your experience on any page. You can even highlight a specific element that you love or dislike by adding it to your feedback in two clicks!

January 4, 2024

Updates to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy

We are pleased to announce that we have updated our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy with a few minor changes. These updated policies go into effect from January 4, 2024.

You can download a redaction of the changes on these links: Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

We are committed to providing our users with the best possible experience, and these updates are part of that commitment. We believe that these changes will help us better serve the community while maintaining the highest standards of privacy and security.

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